Friday, October 29, 2010

Work Halloween

Who doesn't love dressing up at work?
Lots of people actually.

Indecision led me here.
Actual Derby Girl
(not sure if this counts)
Most Bananas are notoriously camera shy.
Not pictured-the entire crew of the original Enterprise. (We were all impressed, not by the costumes, but by their numbers.)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Booze and a Camera Equals

The Red Door is a small bar in downtown Salt Lake (57 W. 200 S.). It's pretty classy, so don't be afraid to look fancy. 

That is my neck.

Top of My Head

Your welcome.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why I Love Ghost Adventures

Mostly stuff like that.

Ikea WTF?

There is an Ikea in Draper, Utah.

Anyone else weirded out by this place? I am both frightned and fascinated.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Popping My Blogspot Cherry

First off, my name is not Ava, but you can call me that anyways. I live in Salt Lake, and I like taking random pictures of downtown.

Also, other stuff that I'll probably mention later.